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PATCH Update asset

PATCH /asset/:id -d { } can be used to modify any asset that was uploaded with On Demand. It is a single endpoint that can update only the following mutable properties of an asset:

  • name
  • storage

Update Stored Asset

Updating Asset Name

This will allow the name of the stored asset in Livepeer Studio to be changed.


curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-key}' \
-d { "name": "New name" }

Updating Storage

This allows to add additional storage location of where the assets are to be stored.


  • Currently assets cannot be deleted from the default Livepeer Studio storage. You can customize any additional storage though.
  • Only IPFS is supported as an additional storage at the moment. We are currently working on support for other decentralized storages like Arweave and Storj.


curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-key}' \
-d {"storage": {"ipfs": {}}}


Storing a file on IPFS is a long-running operation, which can take a few seconds to complete. As such, you won't get an immediate result on the response, but should check the storage.status object of the asset (e.g. polling) until it phases to ready. Then you will have the corresponding CIDs of the asset inside the storage.ipfs object.

You can also use the asset.updated webhook to get notified when the asset changes, both for the intermediate progress updates and the final update with the CIDs added to the object.

Setting NFT Metadata

When you save a file to IPFS Livepeer Studio also exports a metadata file that can be used to mint NFTs from the video. This way you don't need to have a separate IPFS provider only for storing your NFT metadata.

Since each marketplace has their own standard for the metadata of the NFT, it is up to you to determine which standard to use and fields to include.


  • Livepeer Studio includes a couple of fields by default which are deep merged with the provided NFT metadata, with the provided values having precedence.
    "name": , // Populated with the same name of the asset in the API
"description": , // A default description referring to the above asset name
"image": // A default image including the Livepeer logo as a thumbnail
"animation_url": // IPFS URL for an immutable version of the player with the video
"external_url": // Mutable URL for the player with the video
"properties": {
"video": // CID of the original video file saved on IPFS
"com.livepeer.playbackId": // playback ID of the asset in Livepeer Studio

NOTICE that you can change the value or delete any of these default fields by providing a value for it in the nftMetadata object, which have precedence over whatever is set by default. You can delete any of the above fields by specifying them as null in your overrides.

Example: "animation_url": null


curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-key}' \
-d '{
"storage": {
"ipfs": {
"spec": {
"nftMetadata": {
"title": "My awesome video",
"description": "This is a video of my awesome life",
"tags": "awesome,life,video"


Same as before, saving the NFT metadata on IPFS will be a long-running operation. You can track the progress the same way as the simple IPFS request, with the NFT metadata CID showing up in the storage.ipfs.nftMetadata object.

Updating Multiple parameters

You can also specify multiple fields to update in a single PATCH request.


curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'authorization: Bearer {api-key}' \
-d {
"name": "New name",
"storage": {"ipfs": {}}


Returns a 200 OK response with an object containing the updated properties indicates that the asset was successfully updated.